Last Updated on 25th February 2022 by Charlie Walsh
Penis pumps are officially used as a treatment option for erectile dysfunction, or ED.
The goal of a penis pump is to achieve an erection long enough to engage in sexual intercourse. A revolutionary piece of equipment for those suffering from ED, penis pumps have seen a surge in popularity among consumers.
Men can experience an instant increase in size immediately after using a penis pump thanks to a stronger erection.
But erections aren’t just a gauge of how turned on someone is. They also determine how hard and big your penis will get.
Think about the swell you get in your muscles after a workout. Penis pumps help you achieve the same swole where it matters most.
Not All Penis Pumps Are Made Equally
It’s time to get the idea of Austin Powers’ Swedish penis enlarger out of your head. Yes there are some penis pumps that still look like the glass tube connected to a punching bag, but even these now have ergonomic designs and modern aesthetics.
Traditional penis pumps are known as bulb or trigger pumps and use air suction to stimulate blood flow to the penis. A hand pump is attached to the cylinder and every squeeze increases the suction, allowing you to slowly increase the pressure to your taste.
While these pumps are some of the cheapest available, low-quality pumps can lead to unintended bruising or scarring if used incorrectly. Remember that you’re stretching the skin on your penis and to take it slowly while you learn the ropes.
The Hydro-Based Penis Pump
The Bathmate range of penis pumps use water instead of air within the pump’s cylinder to create a more comfortable environment for your penis, making it a much safer option.
Negative pressure is built up around the penis to draw blood in until maximum capacity is reached.
An exciting aspect of penis pumps that is often forgotten is that they can be used for play as well as business. The increase in size and erection strength can make you a more impactful participant whether you’re in a duet, group ensemble or running as a solo act.
A Quick Note on Penis Rings
Standard penis pump systems will often utilize a cock ring to restrict blood’s flow out of the penis. These rings can be used with or without pumps to maintain the newly-acquired erection for up to 30 minutes. Any longer and you could cause serious damage down there.
The Science Behind the Penis Pump
Whether you’re at work, at home, or hitting the gym, the arteries that supply blood to the penis are only partially open, only providing the blood flow necessary to keep the tissue healthy.
During exercise, this blood flow is reduced as your body prioritizes blood flow to the areas that need it the most, IE the muscles that you are working out.
When men get aroused, they start experiencing a rush of blood to their genitals.
This horny sensation is actually caused by nitric oxide signalling cyclic guanosine monophosphate, or cGMP, to open a one-way entry for blood into the penile tissue.
Blood vessels change size to create a figurative dead end for blood flow with the “in” vessels growing and the “out” vessels shrinking.
Diving deeper we have the corpora cavernosa which fills with blood before being sealed by the tunica albuginea, a layer of fibrous tissue surrounding the corpora cavernosa. When the deed is done or the mood is killed, the blood vessels change roles and the erection is able to subside.
A penis pump works by ‘mimicking’ this state of arousal, filling the penis with blood and expanding the vascular channels that are found there, causing an erection.
How to Use a Penis Pump Safely
The functionality of a penis pump varies from one model to another, but using a Bathmate hydropump couldn’t be easier:
Step 1: Warm Up

Step 2: Fill

Step 3: Pump

Choosing the Right Penis Pump
When it comes to choosing a penis pump, the options are seemingly endless, but there are a few key things to think about:
Don’t take any chances when it comes to your prized asset. Cheaply made penis pumps are often never tested for safety and can hit dangerous levels of pressure.
Now I don’t know about you, but if I’m sticking my penis inside something I want to know it’s in safe hands!
Make sure you choose a penis pump that’s medically tested and certified safe to use.
It goes without saying that whenever you’re dropping your hard-earned cash on anything, you want the best value possible.
Take some time to research the different options out there to make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck. Customer testimonials are always a great way to get a solid indication as to how well a product performs
Fact: not all penises are the same size and shape.
Think about it this way – when you’re shopping for shoes, is there a one-size-fits-all solution?
No, there isn’t.
The same goes for penis pumps. Making sure you go for one suited to your penis size will increase how effective the end result will be. Period.
Wrapping up as All Men Should
Safe sex jokes aside, there’s plenty of information about penis health and erections that men around the world can benefit from.
The key takeaway here is that penis pumps are effective at facilitating an erection and that you can make them even more effective with a little work.
Don’t be the nearly 60% of men unhappy about their penis size when a pump can provide instant results.
If you’re one of the over 30 million men that have been diagnosed with ED, penis pumps are a safe, medication-free way to still enjoy sex. In some cases, ED can be exacerbated by performance anxiety meaning you’re dealing with two wet blankets trying to stop the fun.
Stop letting a flaccid member be what keeps you from getting personal with that sexy someone you’ve had in mind this whole time. Find the penis pump that’s right for your size and goals in order to take control of the stick shift and throw your sex game into maximum overdrive.