Last Updated on 24th October 2023 by Charlie Walsh
Hey there, gentlemen! Buckle up, because today we’re diving into a topic that’s near and dear to your ahem manhood. We’re talking about those little muscles below the belt that get neglected more than that old high school friend who’s into pyramid schemes. Yes, we’re talking about your pelvic floor muscles!
Now, you may think, “Pelvic floor? Isn’t that a women’s issue?” But don’t be mistaken, chaps. These muscles are as essential to you as your love for beer, meat, and competitive grilling. A stronger pelvic floor can lead to better blood flow to the penis and consequently, more impressive erections. So, forget the little blue pill; let’s focus on your pelvic power!
Why Are Pelvic Floor Muscles Important?
Think of the pelvic floor as the unsung hero of your nether regions. They support your bladder, bowel, and—most importantly—your love muscle. Weaker pelvic floors can lead to poor blood flow, which is the culprit behind erectile issues. However, with a buff pelvic floor, you’ll be able to stand tall and proud, if you catch my drift.
Spotting Your Pelvic Floor
Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s find these elusive muscles. Next time you’re peeing, try stopping the flow midway. Feel that? Those are your pelvic floor muscles in action. But let’s keep the “stop-and-go” practice for the bathroom only—doing it regularly can mess up your plumbing.
Exercises to Turn that Flop into a Rock
1. The Classic Kegel
- How to do it: Remember the ‘stop peeing’ trick? Do that when you’re NOT peeing.
- Sets and Reps: 3 sets of 10 reps, hold for 3-5 seconds each.
- Pro tip: Don’t cheat by using your butt, thighs, or abs. Keep the focus south of the border.
2. The Bridge Lift
- How to do it: Lie on your back, knees bent. Tighten your pelvic floor and lift your hips.
- Sets and Reps: 2 sets of 10, hold the lift for 10 seconds.
- Pro tip: For an added challenge, try doing a single-leg bridge. It’s the same exercise, but with the ego of a one-legged pirate.
3. The Wall Squat
- How to do it: Stand against a wall, lower into a squat while tightening your pelvic floor.
- Sets and Reps: 2 sets of 10, hold for 10-20 seconds.
- Pro tip: Think of it as holding a particularly bad fart during an important meeting. You don’t want to let go.
4. The Jedi Mind Trick
- How to do it: This one’s mental. Whenever you’re bored or stuck in traffic, practice flexing and releasing.
- Sets and Reps: As many as you want, young Padawan.
- Pro tip: The Force is strong with this one.
The Dos and Don’ts
- Do consult a healthcare provider if you’re experiencing ED. Don’t just rely on these exercises.
- Don’t overdo it. Like any muscle, the pelvic floor can get strained.
- Do incorporate these exercises into your regular workout routine.
- Don’t practice Kegels while urinating frequently. Again, it’s a discovery technique, not a daily exercise setting.
In Conclusion
So there you have it, lads—a guide to pumping up your pelvic floor. Not only will these exercises improve your time in the bedroom, but they’ll also make you a champion in bladder control. Talk about multi-tasking! Plus, who needs to boast about bench presses when you can lift something far more significant?
Time to put your pelvis to the test. Let’s go from ‘floppy disk’ to ‘hard drive’ in no time!
Disclaimer: This article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Always consult a healthcare provider for medical advice and treatment.