Last Updated on 6th July 2023 by Charlie Walsh
Most men know not to question a good thing when it’s happening and when it comes to the penis, it’s usually only good things going on. Your manhood is chock-full of nerve endings that can send you to the moon if stimulated just right. But what if your tantilating triggers aren’t as touchy as they used to be?
Well, you may be dealing with a desensitized penis. This can be caused by any number of things from drinking and drug use to personal health issues—each of which can further dampen the amount of pleasure your penis can feel. Even the most exciting night of play with the partner of your dreams
What Is Penile Sensitivity and How Do I Know if I’m Losing It?
If you’re wondering how to increase penis sensitivity but aren’t even sure what that means, you’re in the right place. It’s easy to just learn that your penis is sensitive and then never think about it again. Inadequate penile sensitivity plays a huge role in what causes a man to not get erect when the time is right. When that happens, it’s time to start asking questions.
Simply put, there’s a primary nerve located in your pelvic region that’s responsible for delivering messages of stimulation from your genitals to your brain. Known as the pudendal nerve, this anointed messenger of pleasure also conveys stimulus to the skin between your legs and around your anus but can stop working if under too much pressure. Now onto the burning question.

What Causes Decreased Penile Sensitivity?
Look, we know it’s not nice to point fingers or cast blame but when something jeopardizes your ability to perform, an exception can be made. Before we jump in though, rest assured that each of these symptoms can be treated with natural ways to increase male sensitivity.
Lack of Exercise
Anyone that’s read our blog knows how important diet and physical fitness is when it comes to keeping your soldier ready for combat. Those who get little to no exercise tend to have some extra weight on them and while rocking a dad bod—or father figure if you prefer—is a turn on for some, there are practical issues at play.
The more excess weight you have, the harder it is for your body to deliver blood when signaled to do so. Think of muscle as your body’s blood delivery Autobahn while extra weight and fat are traffic stops that can completely derail the voyage. On top of this, spending too much time sitting can put pressure on your pelvic region and cut off extra blood’s access to your penis entirely.
Low Testosterone
Also known as low T, low testosterone levels can cause you to lose sensitivity to arousal across the board. When T levels drop, so does your motivation to do anything sexual making you indifferent to stimulation down there. Low T can be caused by trauma to the area, a natural loss over time, or certain medications.
Anyone dealing with low T levels should talk to their doctor immediately. Yes, that means having to talk about the lack of action in the sack you’re experiencing but it’s for the greater good. A quick blood test and your doc can see if T levels are the issue before prescribing your next steps.
Underlying Mental and Physical Health Issues
Certain conditions can cause damage to nerve endings resulting in a loss of sensation in that area. Diabetes and multiple sclerosis (MS) are two of the most common conditions that can lead to decreased penile sensitivity over time. Even if you don’t have these conditions, some medications come with a horrifying side effect of desensitizing your rod.
On the mental or psychological side of things are issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Each of these can cloud your mind and make it difficult to be present in the moment. Even if your heart’s in it, your brain can stop the memo from reaching its intended party.
Too Much Masturbation
No, your palms won’t get hairy and you won’t go blind from masturbating regularly. In fact, masturbation is a great way to get to know the different parts of your penis. Men figuring out how to get harder erections often practice orgasm control with masturbation, but everything should be done in moderation.
Masturbating too often or too aggressively causes wear and tear on your penis and the nerve endings responsible for pleasure. It’s a slippery slope too as the iron grip you’ve been using in solo adventures can cause vaginal or anal penetration to lose its ability to trigger your nerve endings. This leads to masturbating over intercourse and even less penile sensitivity.

How To Increase Penis Sensitivity
Of course no list of symptoms would be complete without effective ways to counter them. Increasing penis sensitivity can be done with a few different techniques depending on what’s been raining on your penis parade.
Masturbate Less Often/Aggressively
Starting out with an easy measure to enact is simply reducing how much you masturbate. The reason is that the human body is great at ignoring repeated pressure or stimulation and becomes desensitized rather quickly. Lower the frequency in which you masturbate or at least start using a lighter grip to allow some of the sensitivity to return.
Try a New Approach
Everyone gets off to something different, and it’s not always about personal preference. Identifying specific areas that are lacking in sensitivity allows you to assume a position or technique that rubs you the right way. Not only does this let you enjoy yourself but it also gives desensitized areas time to naturally increase penile sensitivity.
Get Help From Professionals
If low T is the culprit behind your stolen sensitivity, your doctor will have the solution. Testosterone can be supplemented or replaced with hormone therapy which is a common practice for older men that are still sexually active. You can choose to get your T through gels, injections, oral medication, nasal sprays, or even T pellets placed under your skin.
A more direct approach on how to maintain an erection despite low T or sensitivity is the use of water-based penis pumps. These pumps create pressure around the penis to pull blood in and could expose more nerve endings to increase penile sensitivity.
Penis Numbness vs Decreased Penile Sensitivity

The above solutions for decreased penile sensitivity can work wonders for men of all shapes and sizes. An important distinction we want to make is that a numb penis and a desensitized penis are two different situations and should be treated as such.
As you’ve likely assumed, penis numbness tends to be much more serious compared to decreased sensitivity. Numbness in the area often comes with tingling or prickling sensations similar to what you feel when your foot falls asleep and you try to move it. The area may turn blue or purple accompanied by a frostbite-style feeling of cold and heat all at once.
While increasing penis sensitivity is a matter of undoing whatever desensitized it in the first place, numbness often stems from trauma or damage to nerves and blood vessels. Damage can happen during accidents, pelvic surgery, or from frequent cycling. If that last one seems a bit out of place, think about how hard and narrow the nose of a bike seat is and how often it supports your body weight.
Damage leading to numbness isn’t always reversible, leading to long-term loss of sensation. In some cases a loss of sensitivity can be a precursor to numbness if blood vessels or nerve endings are being compressed too much. If you notice any signs of numbness or low sensitivity, get ahead of it by talking to your doctor to preserve your penis’s pleasurability.
What To Be Sensitive About When It Comes to Your Penis
The recipe for an erection is made up of a few ingredients. Arousal, chemistry with your partner (or self), stimulus, and a healthy pelvic region. The stars can be aligned and your wildest fantasy can be happening right in front of you but if any of the ingredients are missing, your sexy souffle will collapse on itself.
As strange as it sounds, listen to your penis when something is wrong. At the end of the day it’s just a part of your body with preset functions and reactions to stimuli which gives you an easier time troubleshooting what’s wrong. Get moving, eat right, masturbate less, and talk to your doctor if all else fails to cure your decreased penis sensitivity.