Last Updated on 21st January 2025 by Charlie Walsh
Alcohol can wreak havoc on a guy’s sexual functions, in fact it’s a well-known phenomenon that men can suffer from what is sometimes known as brewers droop when they’ve overdone it, drinking too much and not performing as a one off is not the same as someone who can’t perform on a regular basis, in this instance you should discuss your situation with a health professional who will be able to point you in the direction of treatment and natural measures to combat the onset of E.D otherwise known as erectile dysfunction.
Alcohol can give you the confidence to make that move on that girl you’ve always fancied or help break the ice on a first date, in moderation, can alcohol actually help us when it comes to our sex lives? Let’s take a look, hey!
Boosts confidence
This is the biggest advantage, if we can call it that, after all it is still drinking alcohol. Most people have a drink of alcohol to spend time socialising with good people they know, friends or family. Most people drink during the weekend, when we do not need go to work and feel free and no need to focus on anything else except relaxing and having fun. When we drink we are more relaxed and happy. Why? Because alcohol disables our inhibitors. Amygdala and prefrontal cortex interaction enables us to accurately appraise our environment and modulate our reactions to it. Alcohol interrupts the communication between them meaning we interpret things differently. Why are we so talkative and funny after a drink? Alcohol reduces levels of fear, shame and other negative emotions toward our actions.
Last longer
Alcohol has been considered to be an aphrodisiac for many years. Women who drink responsible amounts of alcohol have higher testosterone levels in the body. Unfortunately, men’s hormone level is unaffected. It is said that too much alcohol lowers your chance for orgasm in both men and women. There is some good news though, if you are lucky enough to have an orgasm after having couple of drinks, your orgasm will be unforgettable! Why? Because after some drinks we are more open, we do not feel ashamed of our fantasies and we want to do new things in bed too! Alcohol helps us with inhibitions and insecurities, and allows men and women to forget about their problems and enjoy themselves. Men tend to be able to last a little longer after a few beers.
Let’s be honest. When we are single, go out with friends and have fun, everybody wants to experience at least one night of fun. Imagine, you are going for a party with your friends to another city, nobody knows you, and you have had couple of drinks. And here we are. One night of passion can be extremely tempting. We feel relaxed and free, we are ready to experience more and we are not afraid of our insecurities and inhibitions. Please remember about protection, you never know how you will feel the day after so you won’t want a permanent reminder. Protect yourself, without your health you have nothing.
More fun
Is it possible to have more fun in the bedroom after a few drinks? When you are in a relationship sex can become pretty samey – same positions, same moves – when you introduce alcohol you may become a little more creative, or have the guts to bring up that fantasy you have always had. Alcohol can spice things up, reigniting your relationship and setting your senses on fire!
Here’s a few benefits of alcohol for outside of the bedroom!
Helps your brain
Wow. This is a positive thing! A small glass of wine or a small shot can actually help your brain and make you feel more focused. You do not need to over think things and are able to find a solution quicker. The same story happens to your memory because having just the right amount alcohol will improve it, we are all well aware that over drinking will leave you struggling to remember your own name, let alone things that happened the night before. Alcohol blocks the new information/material learnt (that’s why the brain has more resources available to lay down other recently learned things into long-term memory). Then, when you wake up next day, you remember everything. If you want to learn a new language, or you struggle to remember new words, a bit of alcohol can actually help you. We are more creative, our brain is focused and makes place for new words and phrases, or skills.
Longer life
Alcohol can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. It boosts the level of high-density lipoprotein (known as good cholesterol) that protects us from heart diseases. Moreover, alcohol helps our body with sensitivity to insulin and influences blood clotting. Blood clotting is that small blood clots that block arteries in the heart, neck, and brain. It is the cause of many heart attacks and strokes.