Last Updated on 18th August 2021 by Charlie Walsh
The sudden drop in temperature and the effect coming to the end of year has on your immune system means there is a lot of nasty bugs knocking around.
Depending on your weight, diet and age you may be more likely to pick up an illness than the average person, it can also depend on what you do for a living too. Those working long hours in the health industry may be more susceptible to getting ill. Towards the end of year your body is due a welcome break so as we push over the final line what types of illnesses should we be trying to avoid and how best can we do that?
The common cold
The common cold is probably the most obvious illness you will want to avoid as winter draws in. most workplaces will have air condition units that can spread illness and disease like wild fire. However commendable it may that your colleague has come to work and battled on through illness can be – ultimately it will be detrimental to the rest of the office. To avoid catching something like the common cold you can stock up on multivitamins and fresh fruits such as oranges and lemons. Having a high intake of vitamin c will help your body to fight off any nasty bugs that might be flying around the workplace.
Flu is more likely going to stop you in your tracks, as you feel weaker your body will no longer have the strength to fight of any flu like symptoms you may be experiencing and it will leave you with headaches, fever and sickness. You may avoid the flu by having an active lifestyle, healthy diet and regular flu shots if necessary. Older people are more susceptible to catching flu and are more likely to suffer serious complications.
This is not fun at all. The norovirus can also be known as the winter sickness bug – however it can catch you out all year round so do be aware. If you work in a job surrounded by high risk people you will be more likely to catch the norovirus sickness bug – jobs such as care assistants, teachers, nurses and even people who work in the hospitality sector all stand a higher chance of getting sick in the winter time. To have the best chance of staying fighting fit for the season wash your hands thoroughly after you come into contact with people or surfaces that may have traces of the norovirus bug present.
Heart attack
Here is a scary fact for you – more heart attacks occur in winter than in the summer and autumn months. As we have covered in previous articles – the body needs to work harder in the cold temperatures so for the fit and healthy training in the winter months benefits them as they get more out of the same routine. What this also means is that the heart will need to work that much harder to sustain core body temperature and optimal blood circulation, having a healthy heart and good diet will help you lower your chances of heart attack in the winter. Regular exercise and medication prescribed by a health profession will lower your chances again, considerably.
Cold sores
Watch who you are kissing at the office party ladies and gentlemen! It’s the end of the year – you are stressed out, run down and well in need of a break – this is prime time for you to develop a cold sore. Once you feel that slightly tingling sensation it may already be too late. For those that don’t know, a cold sore is an inflamed blister on or near the mouth brought on by an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. You probably need some cream to deal with the infection so remember to wash your hands before and after applying. Drink plenty of fluids and eat cool, soft foods.
As the year draws to an end and we begin to cast our minds towards spending time with loved ones and enjoying the festivities it is important to remember to spend some time just for us, re charge our batteries. The less sleep you get, more alcohol you consume and more people you come into contact with will all have an effect on your ability to fight off any nasty bugs and likelihood you might get sick. Regular exercise and a good diet full of vitamins and nutrients will have you in the best position to stay fit and healthy right through until spring.
By recognising the higher risk of illness and taking necessary precautions you will be free to enjoy some well-deserved respite from the fast paced world we live in. nobody want to be ill over the holiday season so wrap up warm, take care of yourselves and have fun. Eat well, drink well and enjoy the company. 2019 is just around the corner now!