Last Updated on 2nd October 2023 by Charlie Walsh
What is Acoustic Wave Therapy for ED?
Acoustic (or shock) wave therapy is a non-invasive, pill-free solution to erectile dysfunction.
It works by harnessing the potent power of high-frequency, low-intensity sound waves to stimulate the creation of brand new, healthy blood vessels in your penis. It also breaks apart any hardened deposits in your existing blood vessels that might be constricting blood flow to your erectile tissue.
The result? Stronger, longer lasting erections at any age so you can be up for it anytime, anywhere the mood strikes.
What makes Acoustic Wave Therapy different?
Nearly all treatments for erectile dysfunction temporarily mask the symptoms instead of dealing with the underlying cause. Acoustic Wave Therapy gets to the root of the problem, without expensive drugs or unpleasant side effects.
Dozens of studies have shown that AWT effectively treats:
- Erectile dysfunction (ED)
- Weak erections
- Poor penile circulation
- Peyronie’s Disease
Shockwave Therapy Is A Rebirth For Penile Health
Introducing: The Phoenix
The Phoenix is a personal, hand-held Acoustic Wave Therapy device, the first of its kind specifically designed for at-home use.
It was designed by medical professionals to make AWT technology affordable and accessible to men all over the world, empowering them to overcome their erectile dysfunction in the comforts of their home — safely and effectively.
Although The Phoenix is a game changer when it comes to male impotence solutions, the technology itself is nothing new. Orthopaedic surgeons and medical practitioners have been using targeted low-intensity sound waves for decades to help heal wounds, broken bones, and injured tendons and ligaments.
The clinical term for this type of treatment method is Low-intensity Shockwave Therapy, or LiSWT.

How does it work?
One of the main reasons men struggle with ongoing erectile dysfunction is inadequate circulation to the penis, which is often caused by the buildup of plaque in blood vessels over time.
Put simply, if blood can’t freely flow through your penile tissue, it makes it very hard to get (or stay) hard — even when extremely sexually aroused. This can be a huge letdown for both you and your partner.
The Phoenix sends gentle micropulses of high-frequency sound through your penis that prompt your body to build brand new blood vessels. This is a process known as “angiogenesis”. These new blood vessels can massively improve penile blood flow and engorgement, leading to harder, huger hard-ons than you ever thought possible.
What does it feel like?
Acoustic wave therapy is a completely pain-free procedure, but some tingling may occur during treatment. Some men prefer to apply a little numbing cream to their penis when they use their Phoenix (a sample is included with your purchase), but that’s completely optional.
Although research is limited, there are few, if any, reported side effects with regular use.
Is it noisy?
The fact that Acoustic Wave Therapy uses sound high-frequency waves is the first hint that it’s not exactly quiet! All that noise is necessary to allow the device to work its magic.
How often do I use it?
There are no established recommendations for frequency or treatment protocol at this time. However, one study found that in clinical settings, the most common plan was twice weekly for three weeks, followed by a three week break, then another three weeks of twice-weekly treatments. Results of the study showed that the positive effects of Acoustic Wave Therapy lasted about one year.
The Phoenix has an added built-in safety feature to prevent accidental overuse at home. Each treatment lasts a maximum of 30 minutes at a time, and the device locks itself for 36 hours after each session. Most men start seeing noticeable improvements in their erections after six to 12 treatments.
The Phoenix allows you to safely and effectively treat your ED at your own pace, without leaving your home. And, as an added bonus, you’ll have the privacy to further enhance your gains with the help of a penis pump.
How to use The Phoenix
1. Power it up
Plug The Phoenix into a wall outlet using the AC power adapter included. This power will allow it to create thousands of uninterrupted pulsating sound waves.
2. Get prepped
Apply the included water-based, skin-safe lubricant to your penis. This lube lets the Phoenix to easily glide over your skin as it conducts acoustic waves. You can also rub on the optional numbing cream, if desired.
3. Start the session
Using gentle but firm pressure, slide The Phoenix along the shaft. The acoustic pulses will instantly get to work stimulating angiogenesis and clearing out any blockages. The device will automatically shut itself off after 30 minutes.
4. Repeat
After The Phoenix has completed its 36 hour rest period, repeat this process one to three times per week.
At Home vs. In-Clinic treatment: What’s the difference?
The Phoenix is a device designed by medical professionals to give men safe and effective access to the same Acoustic Wave Therapy used in clinical settings, in the comfort of their own homes. While the procedure is the same, there are several key differences between at-home and clinical AWT treatments:
- Cost. The Phoenix is a one-off cost that lets you avoid ongoing expensive co-pays or private insurance premiums.
- Privacy. No need to undress at a doctor’s office. When you self-treat at home, you can also enhance your gains with a penis pump.
- Time. You set the pace and do what works for you. No travelling to clinics, no taking time off work, no scheduling appointments, no waiting rooms. With The Phoenix, you’ll get the results you deserve while having more time to do the things you enjoy.
Better yet, the patented safety features built into The Phoenix allow a user with no medical training to self-treat with total confidence. These features include:
- “Lockout” mode between sessions to prevent overtreatment
- Intuitive, user-friendly controls
- A pacing bar graph to guide proper placement and application
Why not see for yourself why Acoustic Wave Technology is the new standard for treating male impotence? You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
Penis Pumps + Acoustic Wave Therapy = Maximum Results
Getting as much fresh blood flowing through your penis as possible is extremely important when undergoing Acoustic Wave Therapy treatments.
In other words, it’s good to get hard.
A lot.
And there’s no easier way to get hard than with the help of a penis pump.
Here’s why penis pumps and The Phoenix AWT device go hand-in-hand:
It helps you maintain your gains
The Phoenix sends pulsating waves through your penis that cause microscopic levels of trauma to the targeted tissue. (Similar to what happens to muscles after lifting weights at the gym.)
This triggers your body to release healing fibroblasts that enable the creation of new blood vessels in that area.
Using a penis pump regularly as you’re undergoing Acoustic Wave Therapy will send rushes of rich oxygenated blood through the entire length and girth of your penis, giving these newly formed blood vessels a solid workout each time.
The more you pump, the stronger they will get, and the more they’ll grow.
It clears away plaque
Plaque in your blood vessels can constrict blood circulation to your penis, leading to weak erections.
Acoustic wave therapy sends high frequency pulses through your penile tissue that break up the buildup and clear it out.
Pumping fresh blood through your penis regularly with a penis pump helps sweep away any leftover debris that might cause problems down the line. It also keeps the “pipes” clean for peak erectile performance and maximum engorgement.